You know how your expressions and cuss words seem to change every few months or years? How one month everything is, "shit," and the next month it's, "bugle boy butt crack?" Okay, so no one says that but watch out, you might start hearing it... in your mind.
Back in high school we watched Baz Luhrmann's Romeo PLUS Juliet. We were all excited because for the first time we weren't watching a really old snoozefest of a movie and, hello? Leo in the nineties was hot. Fast forward to the last few scenes where a furious Captain Prince says, "All are punish-ED!" Well it only took one of the girls in class to mishear punished for pungent and before you know it everyone's pointing at each other with a look of disgust and a, "you are PUNGENT."
Yeah, that line made the rounds for quite a bit.
Unfortunately, Shakespeare wasn't getting much respect that year. My friend who was crushing on a boy at about the same time we were discussing Romeo and Juliet took to quoting verses from the play. She too must have had a hearing problem because Juliet's line, "you kiss by the book," became, "you kiss like a book." Oh, snap! Romeo just got pwned!
My best friend who is somewhat of a linguist, she speaks French, Spanish, English and Filipino, can still get her words mixed up every once in a while. Maybe it's because she stores too many languages in her brain. I think she meant to say, "I'm disoriented," or, "I'm disturbed." Alas, what came out of her mouth was, "I'm distorted." To this day, "distorted," is our word of choice when one of us starts to not make sense.
So, the next time you feel distorted, look around something pungent must be bothering you. It might be that bugle boy butt crack over there.
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