Have you ever been frightened by your own reflection? A quick glimpse of your mug from a plate glass window or a dim but macabre reflection from a stainless steel bowl that made you want to run away? Oh well, some days, it just can't be helped. And some surfaces are not good for checking yourself out anyway.
I just had a haircut earlier this week. I've always wanted to try a full fringe but right at the crucial moment I find a way to talk myself out of it. I don't want to look like Ugly Betty or what if I get tired of those bangs right away or what if I sleepwalk and get a hold of a pair of scissors and hack at them. So many excuses. But finally, I tried it. I now have big, fat bangs and I think I like them.
You know how haircuts take a few days to settle and really kind of grow into your head? I'm at that stage now and I must say seeing my reflection in the morning is kind of rough. My bangs want to revert back to their old selves and they creep onto the sides of my forehead. There's a kind of mushroom cloud on my crown and the ends of my hair are doing their own thing. Something you might see at a wacky wig shop. Kind of like this:
And if you did more browsing at said wig shop, you might find this next to it:
Which, would look right at home beside this:
And in that wig shop, the most expensive one, the crowning glory, the pinnacle of hair realness, the one on a pedestal at the center, is THIS:
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