I was making myself something to eat when the phone rang and stopped. In mid-ring. And I almost didn't want to look at it because the little screen might suddenly say, Line in Use, like it does if someone happens to answer the upstairs phone. Except, no one else was home. So, I just concentrated on my food and tried to banish the thought.
I had the lights on, TV on and guess what I see on the screen? This movie on HBO with Melissa George and Oded Fehr and the creepy-face lady who played the cat mom on Sleepwalkers! That actress is scary. She also played the cobwebbed granny on Silent Hill and Morgana on The Sorcerer's Apprentice.... What? Oh. I didn't actually watch that movie, excuse you.

Anyway, it seemed like I momentarily regressed into my early years where there was so much material to scare children with, like white ladies and malignant elves and statues that come to life and look at the address on your school ID and visit you at home. And the baby-eating monster perched on a rooftop and devil dogs and top-half only winged women and the opening bars of Michael Jackson's Thriller. And the abandoned house on the street you grew up in and your classmate's mother with the Bride of Frankenstein hair and AYEEEH!! There it is again!!!
Oh wait, no. That was just my hair in the mirror.
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