As an aside, I used to just read or stare out the window when on the bus. However, I have successfully shaken off my aversion to headphones or earbuds.
As an aside to that aside, my thing against head/ear contraptions came about because of my old job where I wore a headset for years, including when I took showers and went shopping. Just kidding. But yeah, I thought my right ear was starting to go a little bit deaf.
So this guy, I could hear him talking about video games blah blah blah. And the other guy says something about Magic blah blah. And then Bearded Guy lets slip that he's only 21 and never gets carded. And to this, Long Hair says, I always get carded. Maybe it's because I don't have facial hair. And to that, Bearded Guy politely replied, uh, yeah I can see why they would card you.
Yeah. Whatever. What he lacked in facial hair he made up for in missing teeth! Come on!
Not only was I annoyed then at having to hear their loud voices while on the bus, Now I am still annoyed because I still remember what they were talking about!

Oh, have you ever had that tired feeling in your eyes? You know the one where one eyelid is involuntarily twitching and you read something and it registers as a completely different word or phrase in your brain?
So, on the road the other day I see this sign at a sports store and I thought it read: Congratulations to the Tittiest... I beg your pardon. The what?!? Are they rewarding some girl because she has the most tits?!?
Turns out the sign said titleist and not tittiest. It's a little bit like when it's so cold and your fingers are freezing and you can't type a proper last paragrapf to yourrr blogj wentry wut iz happehningnggg
Photo: Listicles
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I don't care about sports. Shame on me but I don't even know the football rules. Never cared less.
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