Not to worry. I think it's normal. I've tried on a few faces myself. There's the prune. It's celebrity-inspired. All you have to do is hold your breath, bite the insides of your cheeks and pout your lips. The beauty of the prune is it creates cheekbones where there are none. It can also make you look like someone who is desperately hungry and decides to eat the inside of her face.
Or how about this face, the one with the tiniest of close-mouthed smiles, with a little jut of the jaw? Yeah, the one where you end up looking like you've soldiered your way through offensive odors and still maintained a lovely disposition.
Hey, look, it's the creators of the prune:

Be warned, it's tempting to pull a prune in pictures. But it can backfire. I've seen prunes that came out more like raisins.
Speaking of pictures, my best friend has been known to delay clicking her camera before she's positioned properly. And we're both guilty of gasping for air afterwards. What? There's nothing wrong with sucking your gut in for pictures. She's done well for herself in the best-angle department, except for that series of pictures when her hand oddly resembled what can only be described as, "the claw." (The previous sentence was written with love.)
Sometimes those mirror faces are better left in the mirror. I learned this when I decided to debut the raised-eyebrow look on a picture. You know, the one that's supposed to make your eyes look bigger and brighter. It's kind of playful and mysterious. Those were the objectives.
This is the result:
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