Sunday, July 24, 2011

Catch Up, Ketchup!

I've been horribly behind as far as the 30 Day Film Challenge Goes. Come to think of it, I'm also behind on other things. Thankfully other things do not include credit card bills and a tetanus shot. It does, however, include modes of transportation (anyone care for a lift in my carriage), physical exercise (shall I pop in a bit of Jane Fonda), and cleaning tools (A Swiffer? How amusing!).

Now, where were we? Day 3: A Film You Watch to Feel Good

I'm a sucker for Home Alone 1 and 2. I've seen it a bunch of times but everytime the Wet Bandits get tortured I can't help laughing.

Day 4: A Film You Watch to Feel Down

A Japanese film called, Nobody Knows. Typing the title is making me sad. Let's move on.

Day 5: A Film that Reminds You of Someone

The movie Toy Soldiers will always remind of my older sister, in her early teens, pining for a post Stand by Me Wil Wheaton.

Day 6: A Film that Reminds You of Somewhere

Paris When it Sizzles
always reminds me of our tiny one bedroom, Capitol Hill apartment from when we first moved to Seattle.

Day 7: A Film that Reminds You of Your Past

Oh gosh. Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet immediately brings high school back.

Day 8: A Film You Can Quote Best

You mean, aside from The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast? Probably Interview with the Vampire. What? Who can resist Anne Rice and a vampire-y Brad Pitt? 1791 was the year it happened. I was 24, younger than you are now...

Day 9: A Film with Your Favorite Actor (Male)

My current favorite actor is Michael Fassbender. MICHAELFASSBENDER&%!!! He has such an effective ass... Oops. Slip of the tongue. I mean he was such an ass in Fish Tank. Such an effective ass...

But, but, but, I also love I Confess where I thought Montgomery Clift was at his most tortured, brooding, and beautiful.

Day 10: A Film with Your Favorite Actor (Female)

I'm not sure if I have only one favorite actress but, I could probably watch Ingrid Bergman for hours and not get tired of her face. So, in honor of Ingrid Bergman, I would have to say Hitchcock's Notorious.

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