I wasted who knows how many minutes earlier today, looking for my glasses. I wish objects like that had some sort of device that made a sound when you prompt it too. I also wish I didn't need them. I mean, who needs to see people's facial expressions anyway? Or, bus numbers? Or, pedestrians? Or, the girl across the street wearing Uggs?
Can you tell, this entry has no theme? So I might as well be as random as random can be.
Watched Truffaut's Day for Night on dvd, as recommended by my best friend. So funny! That scene where Severine's drunk ass couldn't find the door and she kept opening the cupboard instead! And wow, a young Jacqueline Bisset - gorgeous.
How do you feel about the oxford comma, or, the serial comma? To be honest with you, I've forgotten about it. These days, I go by what sounds right when I say it in my head.
I had a dream the other night. I was in a packed arena, Aerosmith was about to start their concert. Suddenly, everyone was being ushered out of the building. Rumor has it the venue was way, way overbooked. They told some of us to head one way, and the rest, another way. The group I'm with, we were led into some broken down, open-air space where Aerosmith was playing... on the stereo! And from that space we could see the bright lights from the arena and the actual band playing. Oh, man, I think I've been watching too much American Idol.
Don't tell anyone, but Kylie Minogue's Get Outta My Way is making me get my inner disco on. I'm worried that I might find myself in a crowded area and instead of saying excuse me to get through, I'll start screaming, get outta my way, zombies! And then I'll do her dance moves and segue into I was born this we-hey. I WAS BORN THIS WAY, hallelooooo!
And finally, I don't know what to say, really, other than you are in my thoughts, Japan.
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