My best friend had her big acting break recently. And this is a big shout out to her and the art of acting! Or the love of the craft of the art for the sake of art for the craft of love for the sake of.
We Skyped like giggly high school girls shortly after her shoot. She absolutely deserves that break. She is currently preparing for a lesbian role which might explain her sudden bursts into, look at Katy Perry's cleavage or, ZOMG Emily Blunt!!! The role, however does not explain why I usually overhear her reverting into infant-talk when she bamboozles her sister to do her bidding... a gwass of water pwease. But like I said, she's been juggling her passion and her need to make a living for several years now and things are looking up.
Acting though, isn't exclusive to actors. How many times have we acted/ lied to conceal the truth. I mean I try not to, but it's hard to tell someone who's excited about their newly-purchased, orthopedic-looking flip flops that those things are hideous. Instead I might say, they look comfy. Or, if the burning ball of rage is trying to escape from the pit of your stomach, and now is not the time and place for an explosion of volcanic proportions, then you keep it in and compose your face, right? Or is that bad? Surely it is common courtesy to keep your shit to yourself until a more suitable time. Unless of course you are literally not yet toilet-trained, in which case, go for it.
By the way. A bunch of roofing guys are working on a roof several roofs away from our house. Are they nuts?! It's below freezing and there's still a sprinkling of snow/ice everywhere.
Oh no no. Wait a minute. Sorry it was just a morning production of the Fiddler on the Roof by a new acting group, Roof Cabaret of Seattle (now showing at a rooftop near you). Oh, whoa okay, they're now singing If I were a Rich Man. Hey! Hey, Tevye! Bravo!
Back to acting. So, what I