Friday, February 3, 2012

Sad Face

I'm not sure what brought it on, but I was feeling down the other day. I mean, is there anything more sad than finally giving in to a two-day brownie craving, only to realize there aren't enough eggs in the fridge? Like my co-worker said, the day after a crying jag triggered by Nacho Fries, me crazy... WHAaaat?

I think it's this winter business. Isn't there always a point where you're so tired of getting dressed in layers, of having your skin break out in angry red patches (good job, lotion, you're dead in my book, remember that), of having to arrange your comforter so that no edge is open to chilly air? One moment you're changing clothes, trying to un-Isadora Duncan your scarf from your neck, then it's my double chin is holding me back, then it's FML!

So, to take a page from the music-loving Mind Full Eyes Peeled, here's my very own Feel-Depressed playlist, designed to put a chill in your chest and a knife in your gut. Enjoy. I hope you'll feel as miserable as I do.

Skinny Love - Bon Iver (how appropriate)

I'm in Here - Sia

Dirt - Alice in Chains

I Got Shit - Pearl Jam

I Saw You Walk Away - Badly Drawn Boy

Bronte - Gotye

The Blower's Daughter (and pretty much all of 'O')- Damien Rice

So Low - Self

Simple Math - Manchester Orchestra

Black Winged Bird - The Cake Sale

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