What a week. First, Monday brings us a yucky, snowy day. Thankfully I didn't have to go to work. Although, I wish I could have done some writing. But, I couldn't. Why? My laptop's charger decided to quit on me. The nerve! Not even a two week notice. Or, a short note. Or, a text.
More snow and freezing temperatures on Tuesday. Wasn't able to get to work. Still no laptop.
Wednesday, I had to find a way to get myself to work. Bus snow routes were in effect which meant that I had an 11-block walk to the bus stop. I walked uphill, in a frozen tundra. The wind chill was punishing. I could see the snow getting blown off the ground. I could hear um, birds that live in icy places make their call, signalling to their flock that I was close to death and could be eaten. I really didn't think I was going to make it.
Oh, all right. That was an exaggeration. Strike frozen tundra from my previous paragraph. And it wasn't uphill. Although, there really was a wind chill and some spots on the sidewalk were pretty icy. And no birds. The 11-block walk was accurate. Thankfully I had snow pants on and heavy-duty gloves. But really though, it was cold. It was so cold that on the way back home, I stood next to a penguin while waiting for my bus.
What? Right. That wasn't a penguin. It was just a lady of short stature in a black, shiny, hooded floor-length coat.
Yesterday was much better. I got to borrow my sister's laptop (which, I am using at the moment). It got warm enough for all the snow to melt. No drama on the road to Thanksgiving dinner with family. If you must know, I dressed very appropriately. Everyone knows one's appetite is only as large as one's poncho and only as strong as one's elastic waist band...Happy Thanksgiving!

Ooh. Tomorrow, it will be a week since Lanvin for H&M's launch. I will admit, I completely underestimated Seattle response to the event. I ended up waiting in line for a while. I knew I had nowhere to wear those precious dresses to so I went straight to the men's section to get my hands on the jackets.
What jackets? By the time I got there the place was already ransacked. I was lucky to even get one jacket and one shirt. There was even a crabby, well-dressed man who saucily muttered to himself, this place is full of fat people. In a matter of minutes, even the poor mannequins were stripped - from the sunglasses to the scarf to its right arm. Madness.
I leave you with today's selection for Flier of the Month, written by a Lady Paula. Provenance? 3rd and Pike. Here is an excerpt:
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