So, have you ever put something together in your head and thought to yourself, this is going to be so good. And then you put it to reality and it's a big old mess? I don't know what I was thinking the other day! I put together some clothes for work, I thought I'd pair an above-the-knee navy skirt with a navy top and a cardigan and black tights and my new lace-up booties with a low heel, which I enjoy wearing so much. I did look at myself in the mirror before I left but on my way to work I realized something.
And that something was that I looked like I was about to commit myself to a convent. Really. All I needed was that little veil. Or, if I carried a carpet bag and skipped on the sidewalk I could be Maria on her way to the Von Trapp family. Or I could put a white lab coat on and be one of those seamstresses for Karl Lagerfeld. Except I'd be the one who was only good for holding the pin cushion.

It's like turtleneck tops. They look good in theory. I always think, well, I am going to look like a stylish something with a graceful neck. And then you try it on and wear it for a while and then your neck starts to itch and the fabric rides up to your armpits and you start folding the neck down to get some ventilation and before you know it you've grabbed a pair of scissors and you're cutting the fabric and making animal noises and well, you get the idea.